Coronavirus 2
Dear families, First and foremost, I hope that everyone is doing well as we face the coronavirus also known as COVID– 19. I have missed working with your families and I haveContinue readingCoronavirus 2
Dear Families, I hope this letter finds you all well, healthy and sane after being home bound all week. As the world faces this uncertain time of crisis due to theContinue readingCoronavirus
Licensed Speech Language Pathologist
I am a Speech- Language Pathologist living and working in the Lake Wylie area. I have a small practice here and provide speech-language-feeding therapy to children from Lake Wylie, Clover,Continue readingLicensed Speech Language Pathologist
Early Intervention
As research indicates early identification and intervention is essential to help children with social, physical and or speech and language delays to develop at a more rapid rate. I workContinue readingEarly Intervention
Developmental Milestones
Every child is unique but age-specific milestones have been created to help pediatricians and therapist determine the development of your child. To get an idea how your child is developingContinue readingDevelopmental Milestones
Helpful Links
Mile Stones, Learn the Signs. Act Early. Autism Speaks Family Services Behaviors Tool Kit (pdf) Toileting Skills Presentation (pdf) Toddler Nutrition The Out-of-sync Child: expert’s advice from Carol Stock KranowitzContinue readingHelpful Links